
What to expect...

On your First Visit with us we will go through a thorough assessment of your health history, muscles, joints & spine to allow us to get all the information we need to truly understand what is going on, and provide you with the best plan to get you long term results
Our Massage Therapists will explain everything step by step so that you're actively involved and have all your questions answered.
Once we have a clear picture of what’s going on, and what your goals are; we will present a plan of action to get you the results you want.
On this visit we also will give you your first treatment after walking you through the process so you are comfortable, and clear on what we will be doing to help you.

Who does it benefit?

Many studies have shown that regular massage is great for reducing muscle tension, improving join mobility, creating a sense of relaxation, improving blood flow and sleep, and even helping you recover from injuries faster.
Our Functional Health Massage is an effective treatment option for back pain, neck pain, headaches, whiplash, sports injuries and many other types of musculoskeletal problems.
We pride ourselves on providing the very best in sports & clinical massage and bodywork so that you can be sure you are in the right place to get results.
We cater our treatment to suit the needs of our clients, and will vary treatment as required to suit the tension in your body, and the results you want to get.


1/34 Cook Street, Howick, 
Auckland 2012

   Empower Yourself. 


Monday - Saturday
Late Evening Appointments

ACC ® No Referral Required

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